bagels, 2 year old bruises, and breakfast in the bathroom

a beautiful, sunlit morning

this afternoon was spent at Ms. B's school for Mother's Day Tea

homemade cards, ceramic treat holders, poems, stories, songs, and a few tears...what a memorable experience. it's a good thing there will be a video for purchase, because i took very few photos. taking it all in at the time seemed most important.

and just in case I ever misplace this piece of paper, here is the "How well do I know my mom" quiz the kids had to fill out Ms B was quite accurate, putting a huge smile on my face :)

Her favorite color is black
Her favorite book is paleo diet nutrition
Her birthday is 7/5/77
She was born in Maine
She likes movies about romance
Her favorite thing to wear is black and white clothes (as I read this, I am wearing a black/white striped skirt, white shirt, and black boots :)
I like her to wear dresses
An expression she always uses is "cute as a button"
She doesn't like it when I fight with my brorthers
Her favorite sport is running
Her favorite foods are kale chips, tootsie rolls, and quinoa :)
I like my mom to cook pizza
Her favorite restaurant is Ixtapa
Her favorite vacation was her honeymoon
My mom has a funny habit of not wearing high heels
She looked really beautiful on her wedding day
My mom looked really funny on the day she dressed up as Raggedy Ann
Mom mom doesn't know about the time I stayed up until 12 at night
My mother's best friend is Lisa, Liz, Tara, Alyssa
My mom's pet name for me is stinker
My mom's job is being a photographer
When I go to school, my mom runs errands

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