
By MelanieMay

"I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll"

Relaxing today with a magazine and a movie and coincidentally they both were all about marriage and weddings, not things I would usually entertain myself with but I didn't buy the magazine and there was nothing else on the TV (a swear)! The film was 27 Dresses and the first time I saw it was in an empty cinema in Venezuela and I remember thinking that the lead actor was the image of my ex-boyfriend, which, of course, made for really uncomfortable viewing at the time as I still really missed not being in a relationship with him. So, when the movie came on the tv today I was delighted when the only memories it stirred up was of happy times in Venezuela and it reminded me how much I hate rom-coms and have no desire to get married! It is a really nice feeling when you know you are completely over someone, or a relationship, and everything is much better than when you were with that person. Anyways, my favourite quote from the movie is when my ex look-a-like says that people are idiots "for willingly entering into the last legal form of slavery". I am having too much fun being single to give up this rock and roll. This makes me happy.

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