A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Almost Summer

My final 3 pieces of coursework for third year have been handed in! One more exam and I officially on my summer hols!

Today involved Dad running Mum and myself up to Dundee just so I could hand in the hard copies of my essays! Such a long journey for only 15 minutes of form filling out. However, we had lunch and saw Dundee lifting the trophy in the city square so Dad was happy!

Rory and his family had been out walking to scatter his Papa's ashes this morning and I am so sad that I couldn't be there. George was a wonderful man, and I am so glad that I had the pleasure of knowing him!

I spent the evening watching the Social Network with Rory, snuggled together in his cellar. Such a great film! It's so nice to be free of coursework (until December).

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