Young adult safe house

I headed to the allotment early as I wanted to dig. It was a lovely morning. I noticed very little bee activity, getting tuned in.

Two plots dug over and weeded, ready for planting this week.

Off to football, the girls are sitting exams so we tried to move the game, sadly the game appears more importanat than the players. So with a very young side and low number s we fulfilled the fixture against a top team. Noone would have got anything out of today, but the girl never gave up and still tried to play football.

On arrival I watched a boys 7 aside game, it was not going well for one team and the coach ref should have stopped it as 3 of one team were crying and it was near the end. It all flared up and a local edinburgh ex footballer came storming over to have a wee chat with the ref. All this in front of 20 young players.

Committee meeting and much reflection.

Eco son and his pals up tonight, our house seems to be the place to be.

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