Really fast

On Great North Road in Grey Lynn, there are two new apartment building construction sites. One on each side of our apartment building. This one was at one point a narrow unused site which became a car park. The wall on the building on the right has had some interesting artwork by Component, which I have blipped in the past, and which will be unseen once this building is erected.

The snippet of the sign which is visible claims that the apartments are selling fast. The sign was changed to note that only two were left almost a year after they were first advertised for sale, and it remains unchanged more than a year later. I was unable to include the whole of the sign. It promised that construction was beginning in August 2013. Today is the first time I have seen anything remotely resembling construction machinery on the site. Only eight months late.

Very different on the other side. There is a road between our building and the other new building. The construction group bought the land late in 2013, and by the end of the year had started to prepare the site. They have been working efficiently for a few months now and the shell of the building is up to the second floor level already.

This group have recently undertaken two previous apartment blocks. A small one near Eden Park, known as Occam. A second much larger complex on Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn, known as The Isaac. This third one (same architect, a friend of my daughters) is called The Turing. Any takers on what is the connection here?

Anyway, I took this photo as Young L and I reached the apartment after I had collected him from After School. He had a big plaster on a new scrape from some incident at school. The reason I collected him, and just him, was that Mr H had been haring around in the school grounds during lunch break, tripped and landed very heavily. He was therefore collected early by S.

He told me (rather proudly) that he thinks his hands acted rather like skipping stones; hitting, bouncing, and hitting again. He has a wrist sprain according to our GP to whom S took him. He also has bruising on his face and scrapes in various other places. Once he was assured (by the GP) that he was neither broken nor permanently damaged, he stopped minding so much.

And of course their Granny who womanfully rescued Mr H, and got him to the GP, and then supervised the two injured schoolboys later on, was nursing her own injury from last night. Yes, indeed. Injured on the way out from the Mother's Day dinner with daughters and grandsons.

Foolishly Grandpa had brought Jesafly (in a quiet place near the exit door) her wine which she had left behind when answering a phone call. Daughter C was taking her sons home. Nephews had to cuddle J. Arm knocked unexpectedly. Wine glass described an arc in the air and landed on the stone floor. Glass isn't as strong as stone. It was a shattering experience for her wine.

As S carefully stepped around the mess she failed to see the remnants of the stem on which she trod, and experienced a puncture through her shoe into her foot. When taking Mr H to the doctor, she got her tetanus shot.

I hope tonight is going to be quieter.

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