
By middaypyjamas

Mysterious Object

I rather liked how this shot turned out, mainly because I find it visually interesting without it being immediately apparent what it is. In fact I’d like you to have a guess right now, guess what it is and you win. What you win is my respect as indicated by a slight nod of my head coupled with a wink...so it’s not much of a prize but have a guess none the less. We’ll come to back to the answer in a moment for now let me tell you about my day.

I worked.

Alright so we’re back to the mystery of the object in the photo. Did you come up with an answer? How close do you think you are? Well let me put your curious mind to rest. It’s a pine cone. However it’s not just a pine cone. It’s a pine cone that has been sitting in a rabbits cage for the past six months or so, having been gnawed at and as you can see shed on. Did you guess correctly? If you did you may well be the greatest deductionist of our age, or, one of the few people who knows Morrie has a pinecone for a chew toy.

- Damian

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