'Wet Sunday'...............!
Me........."Are you going out Kitty Boy"????
KB..........."Are you mad Annie?? have you seen the rain out there.....I've just run out and got me paws wet and I didn't like it....will you dry them for me?? PLeeeease"?????
Me........."Ah Kitty you're a right nuisance sometimes (lifting each paw up to be dried with kitchen paper....all the time head-butting me in the face and purring)
"you've been curled up in here all night...thought you'd like to go out for a run...."!
KB........."I might so...but where's that D.O.G."???
Me........."Inside Kitty Boy.....not letting her out in the rain either she'll get too mucky"!!!!!!
Is there anything worse than an all wet Sunday?????????
hope everyone had a good weekend!!
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