Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon


This is a chalk pastel piece I did once in high school. It hangs down and gazes at me from the walls of my old room here...

What do you see in it? For me at the time I think it was my way of illustrating my own crazy heart and turbulent seething mind. I have a habit of pouring my heart and soul into people who don't always have the same passion as me. My heart is big and wild and hard to reign in. It is too much sometimes and there are many times I have longed to be rid of such passion. An unwieldy untamable sort of force passion can be. Capable of the highest of all highs, and lowest of lows. So hard to master.

Much has changed since then, but some things remain much the same too. Sometimes like reading a book read years ago over again you catch new things you never saw or properly understood the first time around. Such is the value of looking back and delving into ourselves for things that get missed. It all really depends on the eye of the beholder in each of us. Even in the eyes of the artist themselves maybe.

ps. sorry so behind on blips! Computer has been in the "shop" so to speak :)

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