youngies journey

By youngie66

If I Tiptoe He Won't See Me

Click, click ahh bugger he saw me oh well might as well stand tall and look ruggedly handsome for Blip lol.
Well at least I never seen any Wood Pigeons exploding on the overhead wires today thankfully but did see a couple of normal pigeons copulating although that was less explosive than yesterday anyway I stayed spare today and I decided to head up to Princes Street Gardens today and ended up spending a couple of hours there as Stevie my best railway bud joined me for coffee and a blether as his daughter Sarah joined us as well she said we looked like Jack & Victor from Still Game as we supped our coffee's and talked about all sorts of stuff as we caught up with the latest gossip railway related as we hadn't met up for a while due to our shifts anyway I caught this Squirrel sneaking around behind my bench in the gardens as I people watched earlier before Stevie arrived and this cute little guy was a joy to watch as he wandered about as he figured out where to bury his nuts ohh that sounds rude lol but he had a monkey nut in his mouth and was burrowing on the grass embankment to hide his stash for later so it was nice to while away a couple of hours instead of sitting in the stuffy messroom looking out glass windows onto the concourse of the station anyway that was my easy day and a saftey brief with a rules exam tomorrow so no driving trains tomorrow either so that's nice also anyway movie for the day is " The Nut Job 2014" Looks amazing LARGE as well See Ya

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