The boys!

Another day: another dog walk. Bob and Caley in their usual positions and ready for some more ball games.

Errands to run in the morning and a quick trip to the supermarket was planned. Unfortunately it's getting a bit of a refurb which seems to consist of throwing the stock in the air and randomly placing it on any old shelf; gluten free section is now next to the CDs and opposite the gardening stuff! Coffee and crisps side by side now too and the poor staff have no idea what's going on. One member of staff suggested I shouldn't try to remember the new locations as it'll probably be different tomorrow anyway!

Car had to be in the garage this afternoon for it's discs and brake pads to be replaced; thankfully under warranty so it only costs us an afternoon rather than a small fortune!

Another exam conquered today and now it's straight on to French revision for Wednesday; I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

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