Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Well, today I have sufficiently done nothing at all.

In fact I am still in my gloriously adorable ginger bread pyjamas and a hoodie of Josh's. Where one of the pully hood things has fallen in noodle juice and gone yellow. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I am a vision of perfection.

Besides being amazingly attractive, I have managed to sort of some pre holiday activities. Involving a spray tan, so I will be nice and black for my holiday this year. With my best friend no less, very exciting. A weekend of swimming, spa nights, getting drunk and caring about no one but ourselves. Ahh, bliss.

Better yet, I get to do it all tomorrow. Obviously I went for a walk where I saw these blue bells. Nothing like a bit of over active flower photography to get the ball rolling.

Happy Blipping.

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