
By KeepLifeSimple

Baby Blip Update

Baby Blip: What Up!?

Me: Don’t you remember me?

Baby Blip: No.

Me: I’ve been stalking you since the day after you were born. That was May 28, 2013. You’re almost a year old.

Baby Blip: I don’t feel like I’m a year old.

Me: Trust me, you don’t look a year old, but I have noticed that you are being “weaned.” Mama is in the other pasture & you’re here all by yourself.

Baby Blip: I know! What up with that!?

Me: Well, sooner or later we all have to go on to other pastures.

Baby Blip: Well, I hope the next one is greener than this one.

Me: Me too.

Thanks to my Mom for showing me another way to express humor. XOXO

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