Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Mono Monday - Streetscapes

Well I'm stretching it here a little. No I didn't stretch the snake, although I do believe he/she would reach 3 feet long if I did. I mean the Streetscape part. This is the highway that we travel to get to our house. Quite a busy one for a country road. We saw these two bull/gopher snakes trying to get out on the road this evening and stopped to take a look. This pic courtesy of hubby again as I had to stay behind the wheel in case a car or two came by and of course they did.
Hubby took a stick and gently guided them back off the road so they wouldn't be vulture bait. At least not today. The one in back was bigger than this one. Eeuuw! Gracie wanted me to turn around and go back to look at them so I did, but when we got there she wouldn't look! I really don't blame her.
Hit 'L' for bigger thrills.

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