Picky or Sick?

That is the question. I took Libby to the vet for the second time last week. Libby doesn’t want to eat. (not normal for her) The vet thinks it could be a kidney problem but after taking blood she’s not sure what’s going on. She said that Libby might just be tired of her dry cat food. (well I can understand that. Who would want to eat the same food day after day, month after month etc.?) So yesterday I went to the store and bought Libby four new cans of soft cat food. She now runs to the plate and starts eating. After a few minutes she just walks away. I see she had licked up all the gravy and left the chunks of whatever that is on the plate. So far she’d done that with everyone of the soft foods she’d been trying. Notice I have even put her food on a colorful new plate. Nope that wasn’t much help either. You pet loving blippers out there know when our pets aren’t eating something must be wrong.

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