
I was browsing on Twitter this morning and just happened to notice a Lowry post that said that the horse, Joey, from War Horse was making an appearance at the Manchester Information Centre at 11am. Well it was already 10.25 so I got myself sorted and raced off to Eccles to catch the tram Now this was all rather foolish because deep down I knew that there was no way I could make it in time, but hey, I'm an optimist.

I eventually arrived and then raced to the Centre...all to no avail. Of course I was way too late, he had been there and galloped off already. I wasn't in the mood to walk round on my own and so feeling disappointed I jumped on the next tram home.

The rest of the day just passed with nothing to show for it. Carole called in for a cuppa and that was it. I needed to find a pic and my eyes fell upon my new set of face paints... ah hah!!

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