
By bevhumphrey

Fiddler's Ferry

I know this title conjures up a wonderful little hostelry in Dublin with Guinness and folk music sing alongs....but sadly its just a portion of the major power station in Wigan....there are eight of these chimneys...I have to say I rather like them.
I was over at a new hospital site there today and its not often you get to park and walk so close up to these amazing constructions......the hospital is actually a fab and modern facility and some of these chimneys can be seen from a number of angles...both staff and patients are very fond of them...the constant but changing shapes of the fumes seeming quite overlooking a giant lava lamp! Tho I should add that there are really lovely gardens and outside spaces that are not overshadowed by these big lasses!
I guess secure mental health units and these power stations have a lot in common when it comes to Not in my Backyard planning permission. That said, really fab unit and really pleased with the progress being made by incredibly enthusiastic staff and patients. We've just been nominated for a national award for a private enterprise/public sector partnership for this venture...I think we have to be creative like this to keep the best ideals of the NHS with the financial flexibilities of the private sector.

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