
By JimBob79


Firstly what a ridiculous film that was with Danny Devito & Arnie. Anyway I have known quite a few sets of twins in my life - chaps in my brothers class (George & Stanley), fellow blippers BarnaB & Hat something or other, Bill & Ben (distant cousins....) and oh yes Lady A & her beloved sister (in the photo) - I refuse to even mention her name until she turns away from the red side of North London. I've known these two most of my life and as they were so identical as kids one had a K on all their clothes and the other an L so people knew who they were speaking too. Twins in all honesty are slightly odd - especially these too. Take the time one of them, can't remember if it was K or L, broke their arm and the other one, either K or L, felt the pain at the exact same time 250 miles away. Balderdash I say! The other one probably had a splinter in their finger or something. They are very close that's fair to say so I suppose I should be satisfied that we live a whole 226 steps away as opposed to the planned 'next door' strategy that worryingly was discussed in some depth a while back.
I'm also happy they don't like anything like Danny or Arnie.

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