
By GasheadEm

#100HappyDays - Day 1: My First Blip!

Here we go then. I have previously attempted the #100HappyDays challenge, however, after a few un eventful days & forgetting to post anything, I failed on about day 4. Have decided to re-attempt via BlipFoto, so as to record my daily movements virtually rather than in a boring old diary!

Photos will range from a mixture of those taken with the ipad & iPhone (therefore not the best quality) and hopefully a few from the Nikon D3200 that my lovely boyfriend will be receiving tomorrow for his 25th birthday, and hopefully let me borrow (once or twice, if I'm lucky ;))

So here one, and I haven't had the happiest of days. Granted, it started ok as I woke up a little early so was able to get some housework done (tidy up & sorting the recycling), but then I found that my previously mentioned lovely boyfriend had forgot to make me any lunch :( (thank you lovely sister for coming to the rescue on that one!) and then more hassle in work from boss over really pety things (get me out of there SOON!!!!) ...... (Please note this is only relevant for one of my three jobs!)...home time meant a nice pasta tea & visit from auntie & uncle in-law and now tucked up in bed watching a movie, namely Fast & Furious 5 with biscuits, milk, chocolate & my thumper bunny for company.

PS yes that is Christmas chocolate & biscuits. They are still in date. Need to eat them before I make a start on the Easter chocolate. LOL

Hopefully tomorrow works out to be a better day. #FingersCrossed

#100HappyDays #Day1

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