Calm after the storm.

Not much change in the sogginess. It was a slodgy walk. After we got home, my Humans escaped. The man Human came back after lunch. I was a little concerned that he had lost the lady Human but after a little while we went and met the Dunbar train. And there she was. It was lovely and sunny so we went for a walk in the woods. It didn't last long before the thunder and lightening started. It didn't put me off chasing pheasants. We got home before the rain started just as well as it was torrential. Dan had a great day and went to the beach with his good friend Kevin as the rest were at work.

The blip is of the lovely sky and calm sea after the storm. Taken from the top of the Heugh. Hope the storm didn't scare you too much. Luv Ginnie Xx.

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