
By Cairistiona1


Well, it's finally arrived. 2010.

Over here the VAT is all set to go back up to 17.5% and other cuts in public services seem assured. This morning I heard something on the "news" about plans to charge anyone with alcohol related conditions £500 or so for NHS treatment.

This all seems rather hypocritical at a time when we are promoting the consumption of alcohol as part of our new year celebrations - and while our national sports teams continue to advertise...

In Scotland , when people think rugby, they think The Famous Grouse

Scotland 's favourite whisky is synonymous with Scotland 's national rugby team and has been the 'spirit of rugby' since it became the proud Scotland team sponsor in 1990. This partnership was the longest running national team sponsorship in the world of rugby.

A lot of whisky has passed under the bridge since 1990 and the fortunes of Scotland 's rugby team have ebbed and flowed in that time. Come victory or defeat, the Grouse brand remains a consistent support behind the proud Scotland players.

Of course, rugby players and fans don't abuse alcohol though...

Sarcasm aside, the new years celebrations have left me a bit cold this year. It all seems a bit ironic in light of the current economic situation. I guess I'm just heading into grumpy old person territory.

Anyway, the blip

a walk in the snow

sheep digging to get at the grass underneath
an all pervading silence
broken only by the sound of crows
squabbling over some small delicacy
they have found in the distance

sun, weak, wintry, watery
dripping tears of light onto the glistening land
surrounded by air that cut through the cobwebs of
days gone by
encouraging quiet contemplation

2010. I wonder what it will bring.

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