A time for everything

By turnx3

Threatening skies

Having returned late last night from five wonderful, but exhausting days in Rome, other than bible study this morning and a spot of grocery shopping, I had a quiet afternoon at home. It was a changeable day, with sunshine and showers, and I thought these sunlit trees against the forbidding grey skies made for quite a dramatic picture.
I say our trip was wonderful, and it was, with one major upsetting exception. Towards the end of the fourth day I had my camera stolen out of my camera bag on a crowded metro at the end of the fourth day. I had been so careful until that point, always wearing the shoulder strap across my body so pickpockets couldn't just yank the bag off my shoulder, and usually keeping my hand on it in crowded places. The amazing thing is I didn't even notice for several more minutes, when I suddenly realized the bag seemed rather light. To make matters even worse, I had only put the first days photos onto my iPad, so I lost three days worth of photos. That left me with my small Panasonic and the few photos that I had taken on there for one reason or another. felt so sick and mad with myself that evening, but I had to make a conscious effort not to let it ruin the trip, which had been amazing until that point.

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