Settling in

So Cousteau slept for about 12 hours straight last night; if you don't count the few seconds it took him to get from his bed to our bedroom, where he laid down next to Mr Barking's side of the bed for the remainder of the night.

He's been a bit unsure today. All the new sights and sounds and, of course, his sore paw. It's not a bad thing; it means that he stays pretty close to me and doesn't wander off.

His paw is a bit tender, I should imagine, so he holds it up for everyone to give him the attention he deserves. We popped into the vet surgery for some paperwork tonight and he was fussed over by a mother and her two small children. He was an angel; lapping it up.

Tonight we have the girls staying so that they can 'bond' with their new brother. Cousteau is snoring on his bed, MB is sleeping too. Little AB is on her way home from basketball with Mr Barking.

Off to rouse our teen (wish me luck!) and to check on dinner.

Night all.

~The Barkings~

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