
By cracker


Joti has just become interested in choosing her own clothes to wear! The last couple of days she has wanted to wear 'pretty dress'! It's been a bit colder lately so I have let her wear whatever dress she wants but I put a long sleeve top and pants on underneath! This morning she wanted her Minnie Mouse towel on her head while she ate breakfast! She is quite funny!!

The house is slowly getting there! There are still boxes upstairs and downstairs to unpack but it's all good! The bond clean people have to come back to the old house to clean it better and there were a few things I had to fix up which I did today.

Fleur and the kids came over after school today for a play. Joti and Leo played with peppa pig and the dolls house and Harry, Teddy and Spence played Lego and then had an undy (underwear) jump on the trampoline in the rain! They loved it! Joti and Leo jumped in muddy puddles on the lawn then they all had a bath to get clean and warm up!!

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