
By Hamey

How long left?

The average life of a butterfly is a month! I followed this one up the lane and kept missing the shot as it would not settle. Eventually however it did and I was able to get the shot. Judging by the condition I would think that perhaps this ones month is nearly up.......the colour is beginning to fade - such a shame they have a short life.

However in the field I was also tempted by some cabbage whites but had not idea that they flew faster than I walk...and I am not that slow! I had never thought about the speed of their flight until trying to follow one and try to catch it settled!

Another day which is lovely and sunny - another MOT success which is good although there were complaints that the car was not spotlessly clean....its a car and I live in the country for goodness sake. It will get cleaned ion due course.

Next is over to my daughters to hang a mirror for her as her partner does not to DIY and freely accepts that he will get cross, break something and be in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Its worthwhile me doing things for her and he is more than happy for me to do so as I've checked it out with him!!

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