Quid's In...or Out!

The top note was refused as a forgery in a shop this evening here in Barcelona, and the bottom note was given to me in change after I paid with a twenty. Really, if it's a forgery I'll eat all my hats!

'Why do you say so?', I asked.
'It's a photocopy, and the numbers on the back are not as thick as they should be.'
I know photocopiers are pretty good these days but the metal strip and sparkling emerald numerals are an achievement I have yet to see them achieve!

If you think I am spinning this out, then you're right...I'm just delighted to have a blip drop into my hands, if not into my bank account, at the last minute!

Salva who owns the Frankfurter has just examined them and said both are genuine. He went so far as to give me a ten to show his faith in his judgement; another customer said, 'Watch out, he'll give you the dud one back in your change when you pay later!'

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