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By annewokingham

Blackbird Fledglings AND Video

Yesterday we were delighted to enjoy 6 Sparrow fledglings, and today it was 4 Blackbird fledglings! Is this what has been happening for years when we have been out at work?

I was really cross that I had the wrong tripod head on again, so apologise if the footage taken from inside the conservatory is slightly wobbly. (its not bad). I did later however set up my GoPro camera for an hour, this time on the bridge looking back to the house, and managed to capture some action.

This is a 1 minute film of the birds arriving and bathing. One of the little Sparrows from yesterdays video watches them by the side of the waterfall waiting for his turn! If you missed yesterday film with the 6 Sparrows, click back a day and watch it too.

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