Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


We had a swarm of Bees arrive today, I first spotted a few that had congregated in one of the stairwells of the building, not thinking much about it I whipped out the repellent & swept up the bodies, didn't think too much about it then until an hour later and one of the residents called me out from my lunch & into the garden to witness the swarm as it settled in one of the hedges, fascinating to watch & to hear, it took a good four hours for the Bees to settle into the formation you see here, I called out a fine fellow from The Wharfedale Beekeepers Association who along with the gentleman who was going to house the Bees up at Bolton Abbey spent the evening gathering up the colony & answering my many varied questions about these wonderful critters, all in all a very enjoyable experience.
I've added a few photos of the 'RESCUE' here plus a portrait of John who came to fix the roof, a tenuous link as he use to keep Bees in his youth.

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