Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Postcard art

I was digging through drawers looking for something today and found a stack of postcards I've collected and stored away. Mementos and art from all over the world, across time and space. A collage of memory.

From the middle left to right clockwise it goes:

Kala Chakra -- This comes from Kathmandu. It reminds me of my time in Nepal. The mysticism of the East and beautiful mythological thankta art of the Himalaya, full of symbol and meaning. Mystery and Spirit.

Douglas Lake from the air -- This is the Biostation in Northern Michigan. Where I have lived and taught two springs now. The lakes and aspen forests of the North Woods. A sanctuary. Positive energy incarnate.

Original art -- From my old roommate in grad school and friend Jose Gonzalez. Art, culture, and food -- Jose's trademark style. Fond reminders of a friend.

Chief White Bull, Crow Indian, 1883 -- So it says, picked up when I worked in the canyon lands and plains of Northern Wyoming near the Powder River. The land I worked backed up to the Crow Reservation today. Once I found an old spear head in a dry canyon. I gave it to my friend Will on his wedding day.

Raven -- My favorite symbol, creator and trickster. Spirit of the air. I picked this up stopping in Vancouver visiting Hugh and Jane at the UBC Anthropology Museum. I'm in love with first nations art of the Western Pacific.

Sunflowers -- A batik postcard image I bought from a sweet Japanese American artist I met at the Saturday Market. It reminds me of summer time in Portland Oregon.

A prayer for peace: To Mary, the light of hope -- My good friends Will and Julie gave this to me years ago. They are devout Catholics, and though I am not a Catholic myself it reminds me of them and makes me smile. A prayer for peace.

Frida Kahlo -- This comes from Mexico City reminding me of my trip there including gazing on the murals of Frida and Diego Rivera. I love Frida's art and am fascinated by her life.

A puffin -- From the Hebrides, Scotland. It reminds me of a wonderful adventure backpacking three days through the mountains and sea sides of the Isle of Skye with Meagan. It reminds me of her and makes me think of Scotland (and puffins :) fondly.

A Zapatista guerrilla -- Picked up traveling in the mountains of Southern Mexico. The power and fierceness of the photo remind me of struggle and resistance and of my grad school advisors, John and Ivette who work down there. They would say, don't forget, never give up the struggle.

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