An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Secret Corner...

Oh to have time to sit there awhile and read a book, write some poetry, chat on the phone or even just close my eyes, rock gently and think....

But no, no time for such frivolity as life is too busy getting in the way. And that's not a complaint. It's good to have purpose and be busy :-)

I've got an email to write to a friend whose birthday it is today as well as a million other overdue emails to send, prepare for a meeting with a new social worker this evening (Alan's annual Guardianship review. It's only 2 1/2 months overdue but that's down to SW's delay, not us :-) ironing (there's always ironing), cooking (and baking if I can fit it in), photo shoot to organise (I've been asked to photograph the grand-daughter of a girl I went to school with and who I haven't seen since I was 14. She saw my photos on FB and got in touch. I said yes but I'm VERY nervous about it to the point where I wish I'd said no!) and I need to book a haircut!

What I don't need to do (but very much want to!) is eat. Back on the 5:2 diet today. I know I'll be fine once I get over the first fasting day, but at the moment, even the last few slices of a mouldy loaf I found loitering at the bottom of the bread bin looked bliddy delish!

Hang in there peeps, it's almost the weekend :-)))

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