
By SilverImages


Slightly earlier start to get to Quaker meeting this morning as I had copies of the newsletter to distribute, collected in Swansea last weekend on my way to Pembrokeshire. Quite a lot going on this morning and it all passed so quickly.

On the way home decided on a whim to call in at the tea rooms in Llanyrafon for a coffee [the old Mill, now restored]. Ended up having lunch, siting out in the hazy sunshine.

D phoned to arrange a walk, went along the canal from Two Locks towards Malpas. We were talking about walks on the canal, I described the Kingfisher at Sebastapol end, D talked about Herons. We were about to start our walk when a cyclist stopped to tell us there was a Kingfisher further down, and Herons beyond - synchronous or what?

Spent longer than anticipated on the walk, warm afternoon becoming cool evening. Called in to speak to W and Dad on the way home. Seems like a long day.

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