Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Aaaaaargh!! calamity.

I have been busy in my workshop preparing the c/sticks commission I have and when I used the forstner bit to cut the hole for the insert (the silver piece), in the top of the c/stick, I went in a bit to deep and because of the shape of the main body of the c/stick, it cut the top off, having just spent about two hours sanding them both down to a very smooth surface

I WAS NOT AMUSED!!! to say the least, I uttered a few expletives.
Having calmed down and put my thinking cap on again, I am able to recover the c/sticks, but with an altered design.

Sorry I cannot show the whole c/stick because, as you know, they are for a fellow blipper and I do not want to disclose the design I have come up with.

When they are finished, I am hoping the blipper will post a shot of them.

Things happen as they say.

Take care.

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