Family Dog

By Family_Dog

oh christmas tree oh christmas tree....

I think I am loving this Christmas time more than any I've ever had. The days are stretching out like giant soft beds with huge puffy quilts on them, Arlo is in a constant state of good will and everything just seems calm and relaxed and stress free.

It is a state we are completly indulging in. Stress rears its ugly head in our house all too often (and will be again when Bry's redundancy kicks in at the end of January) so Bry and I are walking around feeling a little dazed and enjoying this little bubble of bliss.

Family fun gave way to friend fun today. Not quite sure what these two were up to but you can guarantee that if there hadn't been a few adults in the room the baubles on the tree wouldn't have got nearly the same kind of gentle treatment you see here.

More fun tomorrow. Whoopppeeeeeeee.

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