
By elsie

What a day!

I was rather crudely awoken in the early hours by my darling daughter vomiting in my face. Not the best start. She was sick a few more times before it got light so I thought I'd best take the day off to stay home with her. Poor sausage.

A cheque arrived for the business which needed paying in the bank so I took a half dressed, grumpy, feverish baby into town where she screamed the place down whenever I stood still (she was in the sling and likes the motion to send her to sleep). We made a hasty retreat for home and she'd just fallen asleep as I pulled up outside the house only to discover the alarm going off. Not usually a problem, you'd think, but our alarm is faulty and wasn't even set when I left! Thankfully I established there was no break in but couldn't for the life of me get the alarm to stop ringing (turns out powercut had triggered the battery to kick in) so we hid out in the car outside my parents til she woke up! 3 hours later it finally stopped!

Picked up the boy from the childminder and came to chill for a bit in the garden in the sun. Here's hoping tonight is a whole lot less pukey and my baby is better soon! So much for my plan to get some work done from home...

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