at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

'Look over there, I won't steal the camera...'

For every photo I have of Ivy these days I have half a dozen of her with her arms reaching towards the camera. Here she is getting into a crouching position before pouncing off the chair at it. Her rather stylish (if I do say so myself) tunic was sewn up by me this afternoon. It's actually a teeny tiny breastfeeding top- the front panel lifts up. I made it as a mini prototype for one i designed and am going to make for myself- I'm fed up of having to wear a vest under things particularly as the weather gets warmer. I didn't sew up the edges on her version, and actually I think it's a style that rather suits her- it certainly made crawling easier for her- so might make her another half sewn up garment later.

Our collection of Dr Suess books arrived today. I'm disapointed it's Euan's turn to do bedtime story (we alternate)- I hope by the time Ivy is old enough to understand what we're saying i'l have mastered the tongue ties in 'Fox in Socks'

Discovered that Ivy enjoys eating more when she get sto pick her own food out of a bowl. We had falafals and wraps (with pak choi grown by me in the garden). She made the most phenominal mess mushing it all about.

She's definitly getting taller- she can now get into the boxes we have in the expedits in our living room. She was very carefully pulling toys out of one of them earlier, more excitingly (in her opinion) she can now reach the top drawer on the vegetable rack in the kitchen. No onions are safe anymore.

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