Walked down to our favourite beachside cafe, Urban Reef, before 9 o'clock this morning and on the way saw one of the "gym buddies" being used - I have put Post-Its on them in the past, but have never seen them being used until today.

I asked the man using it if I could take a photograph and explained about blipping - as you do - and he said that he was happy to be "blipped". We had a little chat - as I do - and then I rummaged in my rucksack and found a Post-It that would be appropriate - and think you will agree that it is!

I asked his name and he told me "Richard" and interestingly, when I typed this into my Notes, it was corrected to "Try hard" - again very appropriate in the circumstances.

He and his friend, who I think must have been his trainer, as he was urging him on, were both complimentary about the Post-Its and agreed that it is a good idea to spread some happiness in a world that is full of bad news and people whingeing.

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Boscombe - hope the sun is shining wherever you are today and if not, then I hope it shines for you tomorrow!

You have to remember
that the hard days
are what make you stronger.
The bad days make you realise
what a good day is.
If you never had any bad days,
you would never have that
sense of accomplishment!
Aly Raisman

If you want to see all my Post-Its, have a look here.

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