
By LaKwAtSeRa

Ticket to Ride

I almost had a nervous breakdown yesterday when i thought that i lost an entire folder of important files containing codes and results. I scanned my notebook and looked for notes that could help me remember about my activities from previous days, good thing i saw a note saying that i have moved an entire folder of research stuff into another directory as the current directory was already full. I cant define how relieved i was to navigate at the new directory and see that all my files were intact. Whew! This PhD is going to be the end of me!

I went today at Jasmine's house to play this board game called Ticket to Ride. My interest in playing board games was awakened and i am probably going to buy this board game before i go back home to the Phils. I cant wait to gather all my cousins and play this game with them! I used to have at least 4 board games before. I miss playing them!


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