Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

It's a jungle out there!

The weather got better as the day went on.

I fact I've heard we maybe in for a mini heat wave, but don't get to excited just yet as I go into work tomorrow then have the week off, so I'm sure it will change as I'm planning days out.

Had a nice afternoon around one of the nature reserves and spotted a couple of kingfishers, I've never really seen any in the flesh before, but they are very quick and didn't hang around long enough for photos.

Kingfishers are very territorial birds and often chase their young off even before they have learnt to fend for themselves, and many young die as they attempt to catch fish and drown due to water logged feathers, so this is why we don't see many.

Meanwhile back at camp chi Roo has again found long grass, it's fun to hunt for field mice, he does get very excited when he grass moves, I'm not sure who would be most surprised if anything ever appeared.

As you can see its hot work hunting!!!

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