Rob Groucutt

By robgroucutt

The Stranger Within...

…the garden. Weird coincidence today. I sat in my conservatory thinking "I wonder what I'm going to blip today." Looking through the photos I have taken (including an amusing one of truck carrying that looks like a dinosaur transport (you had to be there), I found nothing really suitable.

Looking up from my phone, I see this cheeky dude eating some tall grass. As they do. Perfect! Run for the camera. No memory card! Run for the computer. Primed and ready, I head back to the garden and gently coerce him into posing.

I got a few nice shots and went with this one. A little desaturation but allowing his eye colour through and I'm happy. Record camera to blip time - personal best I think.

A happy evening after some good news today. Finally Dining in Peace!


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