The Pallas Athena

She was the finest vessel in the Western Alliance's fleet. The pride of the four navies. She was powered by four steam-jet engines each of which developed over ten thousand horsepower and her guns could reach Cadiz from Portsmouth. They say that she was crewed exclusively by the most beautiful Marinesses and that no man had set foot upon her bridge.

She met her end in the Battle of Finisterre during the decisive battle between the Western and Eastern Alliances. The Pallas Athena steamed directly towards the most fearsome warship of the Eastern Alliance - the Genaral Tzu. And, without wavering, the General Tzu headed directly for the bows of the Athena. The two might ships met, bow to bow. The General Tzu was broken upon the Athena's bosom but the pride of the west was driven down into the sea by the curve of the General's hull and thereupon, even at the moment of her greatest victory, her own mighty engines drove her down, down into the inky depths where she has rested these fifty years.

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