Life with Gaia

By happyyoga


The only resolution I made this year, having come to accept mostly all of my bad habits, was to do a blip a day. Uh huh. So,Iam posting this late, the only photo of the first day of the year. Ed and I were playing couch potatoes (and very well, I might add) watching "Taking Woodstock". The calendar is still on the 16th, letters waiting to be answered, chores to do, but I am determined...blip a day...late or not.

But where does the time go? We all have so much to do, and basically I seem to do less of it, but still the time is filled with a lot of doing. And when I am doing it is difficult to take photos at the same time, and when I am not doing, there is a pretty boring photo looming. But, here goes...hmmm. Well, time to do yoga with Ed now.

Wishing all in Blipland a very wonderful and fulfilling new year.

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