BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles


I hate these things, not because the freak me out like they do some people but I remember as a child nearly choking on one. I step out my front door with my mouth open and one flew straight down my throat, I tried to cough it up but couldn't, I tried to swallow and it wouldn't go down. I got really panicked as I could feel it fluttering in my throat. To this day I can't remember which way it ended up going but I'm here to tell the tale.

I've always called these Crane Flys, Daddy Longlegs, not sure what the rest of the world calls them?

This one was on the window outside my office and I liked how it was reflected twice in the double glazing. I wanted to get more of a front on shot showing the face but it was just too high to get my camera without using ladders which I hadn't got handy.

Thanks for looking

Mr Bo Hingles

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