The Usual Suspects.
My computer's been playing up, not recognising memory cards and corrupting them. It seems to be a fairly common problem, Google produced a plethora of "cures" by people who hadn't read the questions properly but I did eventually find solutions. Using an old card reader rather than the card slot seems to work reliably, as does using the USB ports on the cameras. Back in the old days of DOS 5, twenty years ago, a computer engineer doing a repair under warranty gave me a virus that had a similar effect with floppy discs, so I did a thorough virus/malaware scan on both the computer and cards, this showed nothing untoward. There remains the worry that there could be something sinister lurking in the deep dark inside cupboards of either computer or cameras. The outcome was the waste of several hours, the loss of some of yesterday's pictures (the best ones, at least, they were in my imagination) hence no blip and I missed some shots today when a camera told me it had no card. I have also noticed that the write speed is now significantly reduced, perhaps I should try downloading the latest firmware for the cameras.
It was lovely weather today on the weekly cycle ride; we went to Cademuir, just south of Peebles for lunch, and then back up the Lyne Valley to West LInton for coffee. It was from the Lyne Valley Road that the blip was taken; as we rode up the hill, I could see the scene unfolding with all the elements lining up nicely, even the cattle were in the right place.
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