
By DancingAly


Oh my goodness- the pain! I knew I would be bad this morning, but I wasn't prepared for this.

Every muscle in my entire body hurts! My neck, and throat actually feel bruised! I have bruises on both of my hip bones/ the top of my thighs where I was on the bar, and a huge one mid- thigh. Another few mysterious ones that I have no idea how I got, including one on my shoulder. But by far the worst is my arms. They feel disconnected to my body, and if I could have had somebody to help me wash and dress this morning then I would have gladly taken it.

Today has been a struggle. I could not lift anything, open doors etc. I sound like such a drama queen, but it has been excruciating!

By the evening I actually felt worse, and yelped out loud every time I moved. I've had to get my class to help me by passing me things today. I hope it won't be as painful next time....

* I slept on my sofa, as the perfectionist in me feared I would be unable to make my bed this morning! And I would have been right...

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