A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

What Santa did next

So my second day in Blipworld has found me taking a lot more photos than normal, and most interestingly photos of things other than my kids, which is great. (Obviously, photos of the kids are great too but I sometimes wonder why I bothered having a camera before I had them!).

I suspect I have also been showing some common Blip-related symptoms:

1. taking photos because, you never know, they may just turn out to be the 'right' blip for the day

2. being indecisive about which of the many pictures taken to use

3. being in the middle of doing something (sorting bedding) and going to fetch the camera as it would be an interesting picture (I think it was but...)

4. Realising that the perfect picture for the day can just present itself.

So here we have the output of my painting afternoon with Anna, my 4 year old. Having had a busy Christmas Santa and the reindeer are taking a well earned holiday in Spain, watching fireworks. And in case anyone is wondering where Rudolph is, his nose isn't red because he is warm in the sun (apparently).

Thank you for the warm welcome yesterday.

I'm off now to have a good look around all your lovely journals :-)

Lesley x

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