
By bygjohn

Lawn recovery part 1: strimming

Since spring sprang, my neglected lawn, which was tamed in the autumn, has gone berserk. All the weeds have grown to gargantuan height, the whole thing is a grade one mess. So after getting home from work I grabbed the strimmer and cut it all down, nearly doing myself in in the process. At that point I had to stop, so it all needs raking out and then mowing. Plus the flower bed is still waist-high in weeds, so needs serious attention, too.

Anyway, having realised that I'd not taken a "before" picture, I took an "after", and was then faced with the question of what to do to make it even vaguely interesting. Hopefully the posterisation (after fiddling with the exposure and cropping) has resulted in something better than just a load of hacked-up vegetation. Well, a load of posterised hacked-up vegetation, I guess :-)

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