
By CanonEyes

Time Drags by Real Slow.

Hi all, It seems I'm catching the poetry bug from TrishaM. While waiting for this fine fellow to come out to play some words floated into my head.
For what it's worth here is my poetic tribute to all of you.

A Blipper's Travels.

I go to the sea,
For the sea is wild,
With countless reflections of me as a child.

I go to the mountain,
So solid and sane.
From a fine granite throne I survey my domain.

The City is busy,
It buzzes and churns.
With statues and monuments 'round every turn.

Then I go to the garden,
Just out the back door,
And find worlds full of wonder, unnoticed before.

Barry P.

Think I feel more comfortable with prose.

P.S. The title is a pretty good song by Cliff Richard. (Don't know how to link.)

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