
By Igor

May Sisters’ Challenge; multiples (many)

These are the leaves of a beech tree. But not just any old beech tree; this beech tree is located within an area of ancient woodland around 25 miles due west of London. So there are many such trees here.

Anniemay and I have a day out in Burnham Beeches to meet up with JanJen and her family. JanJen is one of my oldest friends and this woodland is about halfway between our respective homes.

Burnham Beeches has been managed by the City of London Corporation since 1879. It’s now a Site of Special Scientific Interest owing to the large number of rare or ‘at risk’ plants and animals present.

Other delicate and fragile creatures that can sometimes be spotted in the forest include film stars. Given the woodland’s proximity to Pinewood Studios, it has provided locations for a large number of films ranging from Carry on Camping (groan) to Harry Potter via Robin Hood and James Bond.

No such creatures were spotted today.

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