Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Thank you so much for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my 500th blip yesterday. It reached number 2 in the spotlight page where it remained for quite a while, a first for me. You are a lovely bunch as it was the only cheerful thing about my day yesterday...

My computer is definitely playing up and I cannot upload any images or access certain programs. I recently bought Lightroom 5 and because my computer is playing up it would not work and after spending 3 hours trying to get it to work and trying to contact the difficult-to-contact Adobe I gave up and deleted it. Then this morning I re-installed it only to go through hours of frustration again and finally deleted it yet again and have now banished it to the bottom drawer! It has taken me hours to upload this image but thankfully I am using my laptop and Mr Computer Man is coming on Wednesday to see what the problem is with my computer.

This afternoon Thomas and I went to London to see the production of 1984 at the Playhouse Theatre. It was excellent and very well done with the sets and special effects but as you know is quite a harrowing subject and did not do much to lift my mood!

So here we have Adam with his version of a smile - a teenager smile which is basically a non-smile....

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