Don't look now but there are Kelpies over there!

It has been a sort of wet and mizzly day up to about an hour ago.
This morning we took off to visit MaggieD's Mum and plant out some flowers for her as part of her birthday celebrations. By the time we returned home it was wet enough to dissuade us from venturing forth again for a while. However, we did this evening go over to the Helix park for a further nosey round the Kelpies. It was beginning to dry up so we managed a few decent photos and a good wander round. There are a couple of paths I still would like to check out but my hip was beginning to creak a bit again so home we came. Rona enjoyed the Kelpies too; she had a woof at a rook which was too close for comfort which is something I have never seen her do before. The rook was not impressed, a couple of half-hearted flaps and it got back to searching for worms!
I am still unconvinced about the name "Kelpies". The heavy horses on which these are modeled are amiable giants not the evil carnivorous mythical creatures of tale and legend.

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