
By neilnewson

All Hail The Champion Sardine Guild

Oh what a glorious day. Glorious weather and (and I don't very often do this) our very own local festival in the form of Seething Wells Family Sports Day

At the heart of this event is the legend of Lefi Ganderson taking on the giant Thamas Deeton to restore social order and justice.

For us it meant park, beer, sun, music, extra tasty jalepeno beef onion and bus cheese hotdogs (well, for me anyway), and games. After numerous three legged, egg and spoon and drag races (yes I do mean in the wearing dresses sense) there were the two big events: the kings soup relay race; and the community tug of war.

The four Guilds: cyclists; cheese; water bearers; and sardines (thats us) competed to decide who would hold the title of chief guild until next year. After narrowly losing to the cyclists in the soup relay (its a fix) a quick elimination round at tug of war and us Sardines were in the final. A good heave later and we raised the flag - winners. All Hail The New Champion Guild: Sardines.

All thanks to the Lamb Pub in Surbiton.

And in a few week, this

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